Animals & Botanical Drawing for kids (advertisement only) at Liv&Chiu studios


Animals & Botanical Drawing for kids (advertisement only) at Liv&Chiu studios


In this class students will be introduced to a multitude of art mediums such as colored pencil, ink, acrylic paint, watercolor, pastels, and even scratch board!

We will use these mediums to capture a new animal and (sometimes plants) each week. Students will learn how to layer, build value and form through experimentation with a variety of drawing and art materials. Through this practice students will be familiarized with the elements of art in a fun and supportive environment!

To enroll your child in these in-person classes at Liv&Chiu art studio check out their website:

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

-Pablo Picasso

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This class is provided by LIV and CHIU Art Studio. Please visit their website to reserve your spot.